============================ Shaker Profile Configuration ============================ Salt minions are usually launched with Shaker specifying a user-defined profile, which overrides ``default`` values. A user-defined profile effectively extends the default, so you may modify ``default`` with global values, declaring only per-minion values in the minion profile. Unless otherwise specified, profiles are located in the ``~/.shaker/profile`` directory. Salt-Specific Configuration Options ----------------------------------- ``salt_master`` --------------- Default: None Specify the location of a running Salt master. .. code-block:: yaml salt_master: salt.example.com ``salt_id`` ----------- Default: ``hostname`` (fully-qualified) ``salt_id`` identifies this salt minion to the master. If not specified, defaults to the fully qualified hostname. .. code-block:: yaml salt_id: moonunit ``salt_grains`` --------------- Default: None Specify the `salt grains `_ for the minion. .. code-block:: yaml salt_grains: roles: - webserver - memcache deployment: datacenter4 ``pre_seed`` ------------- Default: False ``pre_seed`` seeds the master with a generated salt key, which is copied to the minion upon instance creation. .. code-block:: yaml pre_seed: true Host Configuration Options -------------------------- ``ip_address`` -------------- Default: None ``ip_address`` assigns an elastic ip address to minion after the instance is launched. If the ip address is already in use, the assignment will fail. .. code-block:: yaml ip_address: ``hostname`` ------------- Default: (determined by EC2 startup) The hostname is passed to EC2 initialization, prior to boot-up. The usual case is to specify hostname and domain because these values determine the Salt minion ID in the absence of an explicit ``salt_id``. .. code-block:: yaml hostname: igor ``domain`` ---------- Default: (assigned by Amazon: amazonaws.com) The domain name assigned to the instance. .. code-block:: yaml domain: example.com ``timezone`` ------------ Default: (UTC, if not specified) `Timezone `_ for your instance. .. code-block:: yaml timezone: America/Chicago ``ssh_import`` -------------- Default: None Import public keys from `launchpad.net `_. Only applicable for Ubuntu cloud-init. User names are comma-separated, no spaces. Launchpad provides a free service for `registering public keys `_ that are assigned to Ubuntu instances, if specified in ``ssh_import``. .. code-block:: yaml ssh_import: jbauer,akoumjian ``sudouser`` ------------ Default: None Install the user with sudo privileges. If ``sudouser`` is listed in ``ssh_import``, the public key will be installed from `launchpad.net `_. .. code-block:: yaml sudouser: jbauer ``ssh_port`` ------------ Default: ``22`` Port enabled to allow ssh connections. You may specify a non-standard ssh port, but verify it's open in your ``ec2_security_group``. .. code-block:: yaml ssh_port: 6222 ``ubuntu_release`` -------------- Default: ``precise`` Specify the distribution to launch: *precise*, *oneiric*, *natty*, *maverick*, or *lucid*. *Note: Only* ``lucid`` *and* ``precise`` *(or later) are likely to work, until the Salt packaging is backported to other non-LTS distributions.* .. code-block:: yaml ubuntu_release: lucid ``check_name_before_create`` ---------------------------- If a box with the same Name tag exists, do not attempt to create another one. .. code-block:: yaml check_name_before_create: False ``check_name_after_create`` --------------------------- If a box with the same Name tag exists, leave your with none. .. code-block:: yaml check_name_after_create: True ``additional_tags`` --------------------------- You can add any custom AWS tags you want. .. code-block:: yaml additional_tags: project: homepage environment: production EC2-Specific Configuration Options ---------------------------------- ``ec2_access_key_id`` --------------------- Default: None AWS access key that is used for creating a connection to the service. If not given, `boto's defaults ` like ``~/.boto`` or environment variables are used. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_access_key_id: ``ec2_secret_access_key`` ------------------------- Default: None Use this if you are setting also ec2_access_key_id_ in you profile. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_secret_access_key: ``ec2_region`` -------------- Default: us-east-1 Specify the `region `_ to use for the instance. The default may be changed in ``~/.shaker/profile/default``. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_zone: eu-west-1 ``ec2_zone`` ------------ Default: None Specify the `zone `_ to start the instance in or leave empty for EC2 to choose a zone for you. The default may be changed in ``~/.shaker/profile/default``. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_zone: us-west-1a ``ec2_instance_type`` --------------------- Default: ``m1.small`` `Amazon EC2 Instance Type `_: * t1.micro * m1.small (default) * m2.xlarge, m2.2xlarge, m2.4xlarge * c1.medium, c1.xlarge, cc1.4xlarge, cc2.8xlarge .. code-block:: yaml ec2_instance_type: t1.micro ``ec2_ami_id`` -------------- Default: None The `AMI `_ id of the image to launch. Note that AMI's are region-specific, so you must specify the the appropriate AMI for the specific ``ec2_zone``. Specifying ``ec2_ami_id`` overrides ``ubuntu_release`` below. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_ami_id: ami-6ba27502 ``ec2_size`` ------------ Default: (determined by EC2 startup) Size of the root partition in gigabytes. If zero or not specified, defaults to the instance type. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_size: 20 ``ec2_key_name`` ---------------- Default: ``default`` Name of the `key pair `_ used to create the instance. If not specified and only one key-pair is available, it will be used. Otherwise you must disambiguate by specifying the key-pair. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_key_name: rubickey ``ec2_security_group`` ---------------------- Default: ``default`` The security group to control port access to the instance (ssh, http, etc.) If not specified, use ``default``, which generally permits port 22 for ssh access. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_security_group: webserver ``ec2_security_groups`` ----------------------- Default: ``[]`` Overrides ``ec2_security_group`` if multiple security groups are needed. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_security_groups: - default - webserver ``ec2_placement_group`` ----------------------- Default: ``None`` The placement group of the instance. Typically used for high performance computing. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_placement_group: hpc_cluster ``ec2_monitoring_enabled`` -------------------------- Default: ``false`` Enable EC2 instance monitoring with `CloudWatch `_ .. code-block:: yaml ec2_monitoring_enabled: true ``ec2_root_device`` ------------------- Default: ``/dev/sda1`` Specify the root device name for the instance. .. code-block:: yaml ec2_root_device: /dev/sdh